# 2

Get to know your character

To animate a character, you have to know how it looks like. You cannot animate something if you only know how to draw it in one position for example. You need to know how it looks from behind, from the front, in profile, etc. In short: you need to know how your character will look in all angles, because you will most probably need it. Therfore I recommend that the first character you animate is a character that does not contain too many details.


This is an example of a rather simple character. You can make it much more simple than this...just a character consisting of lines if you want to. But anyway: try to draw a character where you draw it from the front, from the behind, and from the side. It's important that you know what your character looks like ^_^


It is always important to know what your character looks like. Or else, you cannot animate them.